Every day 10'000 trees are cut down - help us to make a difference.

Our Foundation is dedicated to reach out to the local people and engage them on a sustainable base to improve their environment for a better living in harmony with nature.

The documentary teaser of

Honey, the sweet gold of the Amazon rainforest

The „use it or lose it“ approach to save the rainforest by generating a sustainable income source. We are looking for partners and investors to realize this documentary film.
TV documentary

The sweet gold of Amazonia

The business with the «sweet gold» is displacing deforestation of the rainforest, because the honey of the stingless wild bees is more lucrative for the local population than logging. A Swiss forestry engineer now wants to export «sweet gold» all over the world.

ARD-alpha will show «The Sweet Gold of Amazonia» on
Monday, December 18, 2023, at 9:00 pm.